Yes, oops, is right. The silly humans. They got their high and low tides mixed up and should have left in the morning. The next high tide was not until the evening and you really do not want to be sailing down the coast at night. Fishing nets and pots […]
Monthly archives: September 2012
Well the day did start sedately. After a nice run in the park we all headed to the nearest cafe with some WiFi. The coffee is great in both Spain and Portugal but the batteries in the computers never seem to last long enough to get half the stuff we […]
Welcome to Portugal! We had a little ceremony at the boarder. My silly humans got out trumpeting instruments and noisily lowered the Spanish courtesy flag (a small flag of the country you are visiting hung on the starboard side below the first spreaders)and hoisted the Portuguese flag. We tried hailing […]
Well we decided to stay in Spain one more night. The winds eased and we sailed down the Ria onto the Islas Cies at the mouth of the next Ria, Ria de Vigo. We can see the big cities of Vigo and Bayona across the channel. We are anchored at […]
We have nick named this bay ‘The Bay of Barking Dogs’. It was a still night, with out the strong winds forecast, and the neighborhood dogs were up barking most of it. I was not used to hearing dogs barking warnings and I got in trouble from my humans for […]
The day did not start well. RAIN. Yes, we have had great weather since arriving in Spain, but it had to end. They do call this the ‘Green Coast’ because it does get more rain then the south. And that rain arrived shortly after we got back to the boat […]