Passage Day 2: Cascais (Portugal) to Porto Santo ( Aquipelago de Madeira)

Well, there are good days and bad days.

Today started well. The winds really picked up in the ‘wee hours’ hours in the morning and we were racing along. We got some rain showers, but they cleared with dawn.

The winds eased a bit and the sun came out to shine. The humans got the rods back out and caught a juvenile Dorado fish. At 2lbs’ the little fish was our first ‘tropical’ fish. It was a lovely irracadescent silver with yellow stripes and frilly long black dorsal fin. I wait patiently for sushimi during the filleting phase.

No fish for dinner tonight though. The winds died down and the waves started batting the boat about. One pot wonder time! We are all adjusting to sleeping in short shifts, which leave us a little tired at the moment.

I doubt that the heavy waves on the beam (that’s the side) are going to decrease. I think they are known to be like this in the area of sea, so all we can hope is that the winds kick back in so we can start sailing better through it. At the moment we are ‘wallowing’ and the sails are backing in the light airs. Not fun.

Now I know why other peoples blogs always list the number of miles left to travel. 334 miles to go!