Trans-Atlantic Day 20

Trans-Atlantic  Day 20

After our night of squalls the day brightened up and was sunny.
We still had a fair wind and were treble reefed (sails shortened).

The day was one of monster waves.
They had been stirred up through the night.
Most just lifted the boat up into the sky and settled her back down in the troft.
They looked a bit scary, but were harmless.
Unfortunately not all of them were harmless and a few broke over the side of the boat and soaked the cockpit.
It is the first time we have had white water in the cockpit, usually we get spray at the most, and now we have the dodgers to help fight that.

Thankfully the waves eased in the evening and we made a fair passage towards our imaginary way point (chart position on a GPS) just off the south point of Martinique.

At 3am and 40 nm out we could see a distinct bright haze on the horizon.
The haze got bigger and finally turned into twinkley lights and we could make out the light houses on either end.
We tried to take turns sleeping, but excitement was building.
The human’s had already dug out the ceremonial beers and a bottle of champagne out of the bilges and moved it to the fridge.

Then it happened at just after 9 am UTC.
We reached the imaginary way point we had been aiming for for 20 days.

14’21.804′ N, 60’50.445′ W.
With no miles to go.

It is still dark here and we still have to get around the back of the island to the anchorage.
Stay tuned for the final hours on Day 21.

SOA Day 20
SOA Day 20

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