Now do not laugh too hard. But the humans had their first tropical storm scare. And they were hilarious.

We were anchored off the capital city of Saint George. It was late in the evening and one of the humans had gone to bed, while the other did a little internet searching, while they had a free connection in the anchorage.
That is when the National Hurricane Centre was checked.
The humans discovered that their forecast of settled weather was about to be disturbed by a tropical depression that had strengthened to a Tropical Storm!
Tropical storm ‘Chantal’ was on her way from the Atlantic ocean and was predicted to hit as far south as the Windward Islands.
Experts predicted Chantal would move North Westerly and hit the windward islands between Saint Lucia and Martinique in the next 24-48 hours.
The other human was woken up with the news and they both started panicking that they needed to find a more protected anchorage on the south coast.
They sounded like ‘Goldie Locks and Three Bears’
‘This bays too open’
‘That bays will be too crowded to let out lots of chain on the anchor’
‘All the charter boats will be dumped unmanned vessels in that bay’
In the end they decided to head to the eastern shore line of Clarks Court (Woburn) Bay. They would have to move if the storm was up graded, but it would provide some good protection from the wind and would, hopefully, not be too crowded.
The humans were restless through the night worrying about the storm. Would Clarks Court Bay offer good enough protection? Should they head to the mangroves of Port Egmont or Calivigny Harbour instead? Should they sail south to Trinidad?
In the morning they decided to head out straight away and get anchored and settled in some where well ahead of the storm.

Sods law.
Now that the humans had panicked and got themselves all sorted ready for a storm…it never came. In fact they were becalmed and dying for a breath of fresh air where they anchored.
Chantal followed the experts predicted route and passed well north of us.
Silly humans!!!!
They have a whole hurricane season to ride out. What will they be like next time?
One thought on “Clarks Court (Woburn) Bay, Grenada – running scared from their first tropical storm warning”
Scary Quinny, hope they sorted you out before the panic set in!!!