I sent the humans out to town this morning (Monday morning) to purchase a data card for internet in the Bahamas. In the past, despite the low density of people here on the islands, we have found great tower coverage.
And guess what….we got coverage!
So I can now send you pictures of our trip from Jacksonville, Florida to Great Harbour, Berry Islands, Bahamas.
Your authorSaying goodbye to friends we have made in Green Cove Springs. Jay, famous for inviting us out for our first southern boil, his love Charlene and my human slaves. Jay brought me ‘Scooby snacks’ for the trip.Finally untying from the dock. L to R: Jay formerly of Prospero, who we travelled up Eleuthera and the Abacos with. Roger of ‘Warrior for Life’ who we spent last hurricane season with in Grenada and new sailors we hope to meet along the way Maria and Kim from ‘Spirit of Maria’.
Looking back on Green Cove Springs as we head on up the St.Johns River heading for the sea
Anchored up just up river of the rail road bridge which was broken down. We started to wonder if we were ever going to get out of Jacksonville.
Finally throw the Railway Bridge and under the lifting Bridge at Main Street. Nothing to stop us making the sea nowThe St.Johns River is very long and it takes the good day to get out to the ocean. In the mean time we can enjoy the wildlife, like these playful dolphinsWe will miss lots of things we have come to enjoy in Jacksonville. Lots of little lizards, giant locus, southern hospitality and fresh Mayport Shrimp!Finally the sea is sightWe got the sails up just as the sun went downTime for the humans to start alternating shifts at the helm. Time for me to hog the sea berth and get a good nights sleepWe made good progress south down the Florida coast and started catching some fish in the morningTime to start stocking the freezer up with fresh tunaAnd as usual, the humans started a competition on who could bring in the largest fish. Guess who won again.
With the variable winds I let the humans us the motor to increase progress. As a result the humans decided it would be a good idea to stop into Palm Beach the following morning for fuel before heading off across the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas
It may have been a great idea to pick up cheap American fuel, compared to the Bahamas, before leaving US waters, but the humans turned to whole manoeuvre into a catastrophe by running aground both on the way in and on the way out.
It looks like lots of water everywhere, but in the early morning light you can not see that most of this water is very shallow sand banks just below the surface.The safest place for these guys is at sea. Finally no railroad bridges or sand banks. We are finally on our way to the BahamasWe took down the tattered American flag that has hung as our courtesy flag for the entire summer. We are finally leaving US watersOur third night at seaDo you remember the first computer games. Does this not look like asteroids? We had to thread our way through a lot of shipping traffic near Freeport, Grand Bahamas
With the morning light we found ourselves in the Bahamas. We aimed to make landfall at the north end of the Berry Islands, Great Harbour Cay. It will be nice to make landfall as I am getting a little tired of all this sailing.We squeezed into the bay on the East side of Great Harbour Cay and dropped the hook just before the sun setIn the morning we were off to the beach for our first swim since July. That is 3 dog years for meI love the taste of sand in the morningGreat Harbour Cay is a port of entry for the Bahamas and it is the responsibility of the humans to go to the local customs and immigration office and check into the country.
For the humans it means a kayak to the beach and a walk to the local small airport
After the airport they stopped in at the Marina on the West side of the island. Set well inside the island and surrounded by raised hills (very rare in the low lying Bahamas) this Marina looks set up as one of the best hurricane holes they have seen yet in the Bahamas
The long walk back to the kayaks along the beach made the humans very thirstySo they were forced to stop in to the local beach bar for a Guinness Extra and some Conch bits
Hi Quinn what a journey those humans put you through. Are you sure they didn’t have that Guinness before hitting the sandbanks?
Can’t believe Cain lost again at catching fish but they did look tasty and Cain is obviously looking good on the back of eating fish instead of McDonald’s
Take care of them Quinny
One thought on “Forida to the Bahamas – pitures of the trip”
Hi Quinn what a journey those humans put you through. Are you sure they didn’t have that Guinness before hitting the sandbanks?
Can’t believe Cain lost again at catching fish but they did look tasty and Cain is obviously looking good on the back of eating fish instead of McDonald’s
Take care of them Quinny