Lee Stocking Island to Rudder Cut Cay – Our luck is finally changing

Strong winds passed through the Exumas, so we stayed another day at Lee Stocking Island.

We started the day with a hike to the windward beaches that we spotted on our hill top hike the day before.  Of course the humans all forgot their cameras, so you have to take my word for it, but they were beautiful.  They were also lots of fun!  Plastic and debris had washed up ashore and lined the high tide mark.  Shuffling through the flotsam we concluded that everyone only loses one shoe, but Roy did find a nice US Navy baseball cap.

Back to the boat and the humans were off again in search of lobster.  Unfortunately the strong winds made the best hiding places inaccessible.   Skunked again, they decided to finish the day with a Conch hunt off the protected waters at Normans Pond Cay.

1 Boys on dingy way out

But first they dropped me off on the beach for a run about.

Now this is a beach!
Now this is a beach!

Skunked again we headed back to the boat and got things set for an early morning departure at high tide (when the water level is the highest).

With the morning light we headed off for David Copperfield’s privately owned island, Rudder Cut Cay.

Sailing on the Exuma Sound side
Sailing on the Exuma Sound side

Beautiful palm fringed beach here at the anchorage, but you are not permitted to go ashore.  To insure your honesty they have guard dogs patrolling the shoreline and CCTV cameras.

4.Rudder Cut Cay anchorage

Something to investigate, because you know my humans love caverns
Something to investigate, because you know my humans love caverns

But to be honest the humans came for underwater sight-seeing anyway.    David Copperfield has sunken a sculpture just off his private shores.

Mermaid and piano sculpture
Mermaid and piano sculpture

7b.Mermaid and the piano

The challenge was on for the boys to get down deep enough to play the piano.  And the winner was?

He made it!
We had thought about weighting him down, but we were not sure if his holiday insurance covered that kind of thing???
The undisputed winner
The undisputed winner

After  the free diving challenge we headed off to see some reefs.

Our friends on the sailing vessel Taia (see ‘Lime in the Coconut blog Lee Stocking Island) pointed out a nice reef in the area we should visit.  So next we headed there.

And finally our luck changed.

Note the flotsam hat.
Note the flotsam baseball cap.

We all finally got our lobster dinner!

The next day we were off to investigate the rock caverns in the coastline.

Grovey man!
Groovey man!

There is a cavern on both sides of the point.

10.Other caves

And lots more lovely beaches with big ‘Private Property’ signs.

Do not worry David, we will not land on your beaches
Do not worry David, we will not land on your beaches

12.Private Property

Then we headed off to Little Lancing Cay in search of a plane wreck.

In the clear Bahamian waters it was easy to find , and we had fun there.

Remains of Aerostar plane
Remains of Aerostar plane

15.Sunken plane Cain14.Sunken plane Roy snorkelling

There were more then humans hanging around

Lion fish
Lion fish

The guide book suggested the point as a nice snorkel for the kids.

16b.Reef and Fish

We found some lovely coral out crops and gardens.


And guess what we found????

17.Lobster boys

Oh dear!  We will have to have lobster again for dinner!

What a hardship!
What a hardship!

Although we are anchored off a private island the boys have still found me some local sand banks to run about on.


So do not worry gang.  I still get a run about at the end of the day.


Sun, sand and lobster.  What more is there to life?

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