It is Roy’s last day visiting us on the boat. He is off to Nassau to make a connection flight to the Cayman Islands and visit friends there.
But before he goes I have to drag him out for one more long walk on Stocking Island’s windward beaches.

He will be sorely missed. Who is going to entertain me now?

Before he goes we have enough time for one more visit to the Chat and Chill beach for some volleyball and snacks.

We have not told him yet that the dingy ride to George Town may be a little wet. Luckily it is a short flight to Nassau!
3 thoughts on “Bahamas, Great Exuma Island, George Town – Roy’s last day”
Nice sharing your adventures April, Cain and Quinn! Watch out Caymans, here comes Roy! Keep the fun times rolling!
Hi Quinn
Thanks very much for letting me stay on your yacht. I have had a great time! My first ever sailing trip and I wasn’t sick, even on the rough seas!
I have enjoyed our walks on the beautiful isolated beaches. But however long we walked you never seemed to get tired, possibly due to your afternoon siestas!
I loved the way you sat on the front of my kayak and then dived off as we approached the shore. We have some great photos together! Look after yourself.
Can you pass on my regards to Cain and April.
The boat is quiet now you are gone. My humans are so boring compared to you!
Look forward to your next visit!!