Cuba, Cienfuegos – How to renew your tourist Visa

Hi I am one of the humans and Quinn has asked me to update other humans on extending your visa in Cuba.

I am the British human so I only get 1 month visa which is extendable by another 1 month. The other human is Canadian so gets 3 months straight away. Don’t know why but the Cuban Authorities like Canadians, maybe Fidel and Che were closet ice hockey fans!

Anyway I was advised by the Marina in Cienfuegos that I could extend by visa at Aduana e Immigracion at Ave 46 Junction Ave 31.(Cienfuegos roads are built on a grid system, so pretty easy to navigate). I went along to this location and was told they could not do it and I had to go to Oficina Del Carne De Identidad at Ave 56 junction Ave 57.

To get there is a fair walk, but strolling around Cuban cities is fun. Lots of interesting sites, smells and friendly faces. The Oficina Del Carne is where Cubans get there identity documents as well, so it was very busy with no apparent queuing system in place. I managed to speak with an official, who spoke some English, because my Spanish is rubbish, and I was told that they could extend my visa but I needed to buy 25 CUCs worth of stamps from the bank. These were back near the centre of town. Another fair walk, not quite so much fun as was getting hotter.

I found a bank, queued up again and found they did not sell stamps. They directed me to a CADECA office. This is a money change office. I was doubtful they would sell the stamps and decided to return to the original immigration office. They gave me the correct Bank to obtain the stamps. This was the Banco de Creditio at Calle 31 and Ave 52. They thankfully did sell the stamps, after I explained in very poor Spanish that I needed the stamps for my visa.

I then hiked back to Oficina Del Carne De Identidad. Another long hot walk. Thankfully as was approaching lunchtime and most people had left. I saw an official who explained me to in Spanish, that I did not have all the documents and would have to return to the Marina. I did not fancy more walking and returning empty handed. But a very helpful Cuban gentleman, who spoke some English, explained that the officials needed to see my Medical Insurance. I understood! I luckily had my medical insurance with me, which I produced and Bingo, visa extension was issued. The official fills out the form, another bonus for my poor language skills, and sticks on the stamps and your passport is returned a few minutes later with an extension.

So in summary to extend your visa in Cienfuegos,
1) Visit Banco de Creditio at Called 31 and Ave 52 explain in Spanish (google translate) that you want to buy 25 CUC worth of stamps to extend your tourist Visa.
2) Go to Oficina De Carne De Identidad at Ave 56 and Ave 57, explain in Spanish you wish to extend your Visa, and give them your stamps, passport and show them proof of medical insurance. Easy-peasey. 3) Learn Spanish. Wish I had. You will get lots more out of your visit!!


Photos, charts and information once we got some WiFi. See link below:

Review of Southern Cuba Part 2 -including the pictures you missed

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