I have some ‘guest’ bloggers who will fill you all in on sight-seeing in Guatemala……as soon as they have done their holiday.
While you are waiting here are a few videos they left behind.
Just a few clips of the wildlife we ran across inside Tikal National Park while wandering around the Mayan ruins of the once great city of Tikal.
Movie clip 1
Groups of Howler Monkeys calling each other in the morning mist as the sun rose. The human’s sat at the top of the highest temple in Tikal to witness the event.
Movie clip 2
Mayan ruins are not all you will see in Tikal National Park. It is also filled with lots of wild life. Here is a spider monkey just hanging around.
Movie clip 3
Guatemala’s jungle racoon the Coatimundi.
Hope that wets your appetite for the rest of the sight-seeing trip the humans abandon me for.