Guatemala, Rio Dulce – Complications due to amoebic dysentery

It was not “looking good” for my male human there for a while.

He had gotten a very bad infestation of both amoeba and bacteria, and they were running a muck in his intestines.

Despite all the best efforts by the doctor at the clinic in Fromteras, Rio Dulce, the human was not getting any better.  In fact he was getting worse.

Time to call in the specialists.  He was rushed up to Angeles Hospital in Guatemala City as surgery looked likely.

The doctors found that the swelling from the infection had closed off sections of the small intestine creating pockets of abscesses.

They also found the appendix was about to perforate.  Microsurgery was no longer an option and they had to ‘open him up’ and flush him out.

But I am happy to say that he lives to tell the story.

Cain in hospital

Don’t tell him I put this embarrassing photo of him in hospital on the net, he will kill me!

After a week in hospital he was able to return to the boat to recuperate.

The doctors have advised him that he is to engage in NO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY for one month.  Not good for our Christmas plans.  But the good news is he should be fully recovered in 6 months with NO LASTING EFFECTS.

For now he is on a diet of soft fruits and vegetables with very little dairy or meat fat.  Not hard in to find in Guatemala.

Better fruit stand


With the good news the sun has come out to shine.

Sun back out

And with it the waters have receded.


Homes, businesses and Marinas that were under several feet of fresh water have REAPPEARED all along the rivers winding banks.

Docks reappear

Boats no longer look like they are anchored and shops have swept up the mess and reopened their doors again.

Tenda Reed -cheekies

Fruit and vegitable marketLife has returned to normal on the Rio Dulce river almost as if Mother Nature never ‘hiccupped’.

I find the strength and positive energy from the people who live here inspiring.


And thankfully our Marina has ‘reappeared’ as we have guests coming.

Marina above water


“If Mohammad can not come to the mountain, the mountain shall come to Mohammad”.  Since we are unable to get to Roatan, Honduras, to meet the Miller clan, then they are going to ‘move hell and high water’ to join us here in the Rio Dulce.

It was too late.  They could not change their flights, but they are still determined to come and see us for Christmas.  So they are making an incredible ferry and over land trek all the way from the Bay Island of Roatan, across Honduras to us in Guatemala.  Wow!

Quinn-hair cut

Better get the crew going in making the place ship shape for company.

But first we need to add a bit of cheer.


With the human recovering, the river waters receding and family coming there is a lot to celebrate this year.  So lets start celebrating!

First step is to add a little Christmas cheer to the place.

Christmas lights

No body wants to get sick, no body wants their plans messed with.

No body wants to miss family during the holidays, or make them travel huge distances to see them.

But in the end we have to take what we get and make the best of it.

bird on bow

One thing the humans have learned, when it comes to the bad times, they are very lucky to have family and friends to rely on.  ‘No man is an Island’.

Thank you all for your help and support!
A special thanks needs to go out to the doctor that saved the human’s life.


Dr Francisco Arenales would not give up on the human.  He was determined to find out why he was not improving despite the plethora of IV antibiotics he administered.  He was also the assistant surgeon at the hospital in Guatemala City.  His efforts and keen insight saved my human’s life.

River image

The only one who was not helpful at all during this difficult time was the health insurance company.  A little more research into this, waiting to see how the pay back procedure goes, and perhaps I can make some informative comments on the subject for other travelers.

For now I leave you with a few photos that did not fit into the blog.

Hope your getting into the Christmas spirit and getting your shopping done.  Opps, Christmas shopping!  Better get our butts in gear on that one.

Christmas lights on boat

Spirit of Argo decked up in Christmas lights.

Marina docks above water

It is hard to believe that the river rose high enough to submerge all these docks.

Guatemala City-arch over road

The female human made the journey to Guatemala City to sort out the hospital bill and escort the other human home to the boat.

Spiring Hotel-Guatemala City

The hospital was in the older Zone 1 of the city.  Here the architecture is has a strong Spanish influence with banal street fronts, but amazing internal courtyards.  This is the court yard at the Spring Hotel, walking distance from the bus terminal and hospital.

Guatemala City-street art

The human’s love of street art.  Here is a door off the street.

Guatemala City-typewriter and repair shop

And the street art continues in store front signage at street level.

Quinn and christmas lights

I am just excited company is coming.  It is going to be a great Christmas!







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