KISS – Keep it Simple and Stupid There seems to be a direct correlation between the cost and availability of replacement parts and the place they decide to breakdown. Cuba. We lost the alternator and the depth gauge. Neither would have been available, but luckily we had a spare. Rio Dulce. The humans thought they had brought […]
Yearly archives: 2015
It was almost like the ‘gods’ wanted to apologies for their mistake. After the terrible rain storm that washed way many peoples homes and their neighbours, it did not rain for the few days that followed. As the waters receded people were able to hunt through the tangle of trees and mud […]
Thunderstorms and flooding on the Rio Dulce I know we are in the rainforest, but does it have to rain so much. The temperatures here are well over 30’C and the humidity ranges between 70-90%. It is usually clear during the day, so the humans do their best to get […]
The adventure continues with our guest bloggers telling us all about sight seeing in Guatemala. We left you on Lake Atitlan. A long drive from Lake Atitlan to the RIO DULCE Dulce River (Spanish: Río Dulce, or “Sweet River”) is a river in Guatemala, completely contained within the department of […]
I let the humans off of boat work so they could do a little sight seeing. They did their best to fit as much as they could into one week. Why one week, you ask? Well that is exactly how long friends are coming to visit from England. Perhaps they are less […]
Well it has been long hot days working on the boat. The humans have finished the last of the exterior woodwork. Not a stitch of varnish left on the outside of the boat. It has all been replaced with Coelan, so this should greatly reduce the amount of woodwork in the […]