Passage from Tuamotus to Marquesas, French Polynesia – A bash to windward

WHAT is it with these humans of mine?

We just got to the atoll of Fakarava and already they are wisking me off on another sea journey.  Where to now?

With all the Maritime boarders still closed due to the pandemic, it will have to be somewhere inside French Polynesian waters.

This time it is 560nm bash to wind from the Tuamotu Atolls to the Marquesas Islands.

Do not be fooled by my “smile for the camera”!  No puppy dog likes a heeled boat.

With all the white water on deck the humans were kind enough to have to (stop the boat) when I needed the releave myself.

And I got to share the sea berth below when ever someone was off watch.

I was very happy to see land after 6 days.  The humans first teased me with the island of Ua Poa.

But this turned out not to be our intended landfall.  The humans just used the islands lee to do a bit of tacking.  Off we were on one last leg.

Our final landfall.  Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva.

A few video clips of the sail.

And my joy of making landfall.

And great friends to welcome us.  And they brought BACON!

Rudy and Gagi from school Tavae.  Mates from our time in Panama.

Great to be in the lush tropical oasis of the Marquesas Islands.

Now a bit of administration for my humans to complete due to Brexit.

The boat and I are fine!  But the humans have to apply for permission to stay in French Polynesia WITH US!




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