My human got over the flu so we decided to continue our adventure West along Cuba’s South Coast. We said goodbye to our lovely anchorage on the North coast of Cayo Sal and headed for the South coast of Cayo Largo. Cayo Largo is one of a stretch of Cays […]
Cayo Sal is the pick of the Cayos de Dios. About 55 nautical miles South West of Cienfuegos it offers much better protection then the more frequently used light house anchorage at Cayo Guana del Este (7nm East). Between the great snorkelling reefs that run both East and West of […]
Sometimes you have to take Guide Book recommendations with a little scepticism. It is all up to our own individual perceptions and experiences. But I am getting ahead of myself. It all started when the humans were trying to decide whether or not to visiting Havana City. Transportation, accommodation, food […]
Where ever you are in Cuba do ask around. Marina staff and fellow cruisers are the best resources in this country to get information. From them you will get the most ‘up to date’ information on where to find things and how to get around. My humans wanted to visit […]
Hi I am one of the humans and Quinn has asked me to update other humans on extending your visa in Cuba. I am the British human so I only get 1 month visa which is extendable by another 1 month. The other human is Canadian so gets 3 months […]
I can see why cruising boats can get ‘stuck here’ for a while. The city has a lot to do. Yesterday the humans, after giving me a long needed hair cut, left me to siesta while they headed off into the historical centre of town. They could have easily caught […]