The winds have been out of the south-east lately, so the humans got lots and lots of tacking practice. We anchored off a lovely little sandy beach and jumped into the kayaks for an explore. A well-marked short trail up from the beach led to a fresh water well. […]
With the morning light, and after my run on the beach of course, we headed off into the calm settled waters of the Great Bahama Bank to Wax Cay Cut. Sailing in the lee (protection) of the Exuma Cays makes the shallow waters here on the Bank very calm. […]
We had a wonderful quiet Christmas anchored off the white sandy beach on the south end of Hoffman Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas. We were also very impressed with the internet coverage, as we were able to send and receive messages and even Skype family. But it was time to say […]
It was the day before Christmas and all the lights were up, the Turkey thawed, smoked salmon and hollandaise sauce ready for Eggs Benedict in the morning. Even have a bottle of Prosecco, from Auntie Lisa. With everything at the ready anchored up in the middle of ‘no where’ there was […]
Now that we have the trip to the Bahamas over with and all the check in procedures done we can finally start getting into the holiday season. First on our list of things to do is to get the humans to cut all that extra hair off me. Now that […]
We really loved Great Harbour Cay. The island had it’s ‘hay day’ during the drug trade years. It had resorts and a golf course designed by Jack Nicolson. With out the drug money the island has slowed down to a simple sleepy pace. It still has an excellent small airport, but now […]