Allans and Pensacola cays on the northeast shelf of Little Bahama Bank was once separate islands until a hurricane brought them together. Excellent snorkelling off of rocks on its southern tip and out on the barrier reef, there is little of note near the anchorage itself. This would end up […]
Still moving north, still no wind and still motoring from Cay to Cay. The anchorage was a lovely place to stop. As for the cruising guide, that is another subject. It warned of mosquitos, and we did not have one. But then, it did not say a word about bugs at […]
To escape the bugs near Crab Cay we motored round to the North side of Manjack Cay. This anchorage is horribly exposed to the Atlantic swell in all but the most settled weather. But with ‘no wind’ for weeks the ocean was a sleeping lion. The perfect time to visit […]
Unfortunately will soon be time to say goodbye to the Bahamas for the hurricane season. But, before I talk about leaving, lets take a moment to praise the Bahamas. We have been pleasantly delighted with the Bahamas as a cruising ground. Mind you we have barely seen a portion of it. The […]
Summer time in the Abacos and still no wind to sail. We have used more fuel here, in the past month, then we have ever done in a year. Unfortunately diesel is very expensive in the Abacos, and we really do not want to be forced to purchase any. But it may […]
Still….not much wind…but we managed to sail a bit of the short distance to the next cay. I supposed I should not complain. It is officially hurricane season, and it could go the OTHER WAY, and we could have much too much wind. But, rest assured, I get the humans up at […]