The human’s and I are still ‘hanging out’ anchored off Hog Island on the south shores of Grenada. The bay here is very sheltered. This makes it an ideal spot for the human’s to do boat maintenance, for me to play on the beaches and for the cruising kids to […]
Ancient creatures????? No, the humans did not run into Tyrannosaurus Rex! Instead they got on a bus and travelled the length of the island to visit Levera Beach on the north shore of Grenada in the hopes of catching a glimpse of a Leatherback turtle. These creatures may not be dinosaurs but, at over […]
We are still anchored up off the south coast of Grenada. As I siesta, the humans have started to get a few jobs ‘ticked off’ the list. They: *changed the primary and secondary fuel filters, *repaired the head (toilet) ceiling, *repaired the shade canopy (been a bit windy at times), […]
The humans have recovered from their embarrassing ‘panic attack’ with the passage of tropical storm Chantal. Clarks Court (Woburn) Bay is nice, but the shores are a bit muddy for me and they do not want dogs on the resort beach. I talked the humans into moving the boat around […]
Now do not laugh too hard. But the humans had their first tropical storm scare. And they were hilarious. We were anchored off the capital city of Saint George. It was late in the evening and one of the humans had gone to bed, while the other did a little […]
After the human’s ‘sneaky’ dive off Moliniere Point in the Underwater Sculpture Park it was time to sail south to the capital city of Grenada, Saint George. Saint George is one of the prettiest capitals we have been to yet, not that we have seen that many capitals in the Caribbean […]