The human’s really do not travel very far…very quickly! They used the excuse of the Jazz festival to stick around and embarrass themselves with some very bad dancing. I took a video of them, but they would not let me post it. They threatened to fix me if I did. […]
Rodney Bay was getting a ‘bit rolly’ and we decided to make a trip further south down the coast of Saint Lucia to the little hidden cove of Marigot Bay. (Video to come) It was a perfect sunny sail down the lee side of the island. We made […]
Now that I have my official ‘Animal Import Permit’ for Saint Lucia, life is good. I can have long runs on the beach in the morning and at dusk, when it is cooler. The human’s then leave me on anchor guard duty while they go ashore. I make […]
Well we have broken the bonds of Martinique and headed south to the next island Saint Lucia. Saying goodbye to the islands east coast and the famous Diamond Mount and heading out into the channel between the islands. The channel crossing was very fast with much stronger winds then predicted. We […]
Well the human’s are healthy enough to ‘get a move on’ and leave Martinique for the rest of the Caribbean. Before leaving they ‘of course’ had to go visit one of the islands many rum distilleries for a tasting section. At the foot of the volcano is the rum distillery Depaz. The original […]
Welcome to Saint Pierre. For a town wiped off the map in 1902, it is doing pretty good. Of course you get the usual tourist tat, but once you look deeper into the town, there are some lovely surprises. But let us start on the sea front. Saint Pierre has […]