Finally, my owners got some sunbathing in. Life is tough. That was until a racing yacht decided to come in real close. I barked at him to go away. I also did the same to the dolphins that kept coming to the boat to play. This is my boat, not […]
You are not going to believe it, but I will talk about that later. First thing is it is 80′ at 7 pm in the evening. This is great. We got off to a late start leaving La Coruna. The alarm did not work, we still had to sort out […]
Yesterday was such a beautiful day at sea. We followed fresh grilled tuna lunch with fresh grilled tuna dinner watching a fabulous sun set. It is amazing how humble being at sea makes you. You are alone on watch, surrounded by a huge expanse of water rushing by. The wavelets, […]
I can see now why any one would both fear and respect the Bay of Biscay. We left on Sunday the 19th (Happy Anniversary human owners) with the promise of fair winds to come. Surprise, surprise, surprise, they never materialized. Instead we beat into a South Westerly wind on the […]