Well just another day for this sea dog. The winds are still from the East, pushing us due West, when we want to be going South West to pick up the more constant trade winds. We brought the port (left) side head sail over to the starboard (right) side to […]
At nine am this morning we were at W 20’21.43′ N 26’16.47′. It was a rather ‘uneventful’ day really. The winds shifted from NE to East. That was not the best for a twin sail arrangement. Twin sails prefer to sail down wind or on the quarter (that is the […]
Well gang, I can not say it has been uneventful! A bit of gear failure, but the human’s were pushing it. The maximum for the day was 13.5 knots down one wave….that we know of. The topping lift for the spinnaker pole came free, when it went for a dip, […]
Hi guys. The human’s have had a big debate here and they have decided to skip the trip to the Cape Verde Islands. Pros of stopping: -breaks the trip up into smaller sails, -safe place to repair any equipment failures, -top up on fresh water (although you will have to […]
Yes, inertia has been broken. After getting a disappointing weather forecast for our trip to the Cape Verde Islands we all felt restless and decided that moving to another port of call was in order. We had planned on leaving Thursday night, but there was no wind, so we […]
Welcome to sailing. Everything you do is dictated by the weather! And guess what? The weather says do not go! The humans had been checking the weather, but greatly distracted by getting the boat prepared for two Atlantic passages. After getting everything sorted last night they had a chance to […]