Not everyone is suited to the ‘cruising’ lifestyle. You need to be either a ‘little’ crazy, deluded or eccentric. Or maybe a little of all of them. Despite what you may have read in all those ‘sell up and sail away’ books I think if you answer the three questions […]
Bay of Biscay
4 posts
I can see now why any one would both fear and respect the Bay of Biscay. We left on Sunday the 19th (Happy Anniversary human owners) with the promise of fair winds to come. Surprise, surprise, surprise, they never materialized. Instead we beat into a South Westerly wind on the […]
Yesterday was such a beautiful day at sea. We followed fresh grilled tuna lunch with fresh grilled tuna dinner watching a fabulous sun set. It is amazing how humble being at sea makes you. You are alone on watch, surrounded by a huge expanse of water rushing by. The wavelets, […]