The best laid plans of mice and men. Notice they do not say anything about dogs. What ever your plans, make sure you have a back up plan in case things go wrong. This is especially important on a boat. Well, it all started when the human’s decided it was […]
Enough of hanging around the anchorage. It is time to do what Dominica is famous for… FORT SHIRLEY AND THE CABRITS GARRISON, CABRITS NATIONAL PARK The twin hills of the Cabrits headland dominates the north-western end of Prince Rupert Bay. Fort Shirley sits a top this headland guarding the town of Portsmouth. […]
The human’s decided to try to hike the last section of the Wai’tukubuli National Trail (Segment 14) that runs from Portsmouth north. Somehow the human’s managed to lose the trail and we did a little ‘bush wacking’ to cross over the headland. No worries, we were on the trail now. […]
Yes we have not gone far. There are lots to see here. CABRITS NATIONAL PARK CHAUDIERE POOL I was a little sick of being dragged around the island, as they got lost, so I sent the humans off on a guided tour of the island without me. They […]