The humans had not explored any of Guatemala but they are not used to travelling on land any more, so I asked my Aunty Helen and Uncle Steve to come across from the UK and act as my roving correspondents. I had some important snoozing and playing to catch up […]
The end of the summer and the hurricane season is fast approaching. The cooler autumn weather brings greater stability to weather patterns in the Caribbean so it is safe to head out sailing again. Not that we are feeling any cooler up river yet. Our visit to the Rio Dulce river […]
With the end of hurricane season here, it is time to get out there sailing. No more of that nasty stuff expected We plan on heading south this season and ‘following our noses’ for a change rather than having a distinct destination. Do not get me wrong, we have a […]
Do not worry about the flooding everyone, I am fine. Luckily I live on a boat that floats as the Rio Dulce river rises. With the flooding comes and increase in parasitic infections and one of my humans has managed to get himself a good dose of Amoebic Dysentery and ended up […]
It was not “looking good” for my male human there for a while. He had gotten a very bad infestation of both amoeba and bacteria, and they were running a muck in his intestines. Despite all the best efforts by the doctor at the clinic in Fromteras, Rio Dulce, the human was […]
We can not say things have been boring on the good ship Spirit of Argo. I got one human recovering from the “brink of death” and the other rushing around trying to get everything ready for family to come and stay on the boat. There will be seven of us. Mind you, […]